Friday, April 11, 2008

late bloomers

There is a tree in our backyard, with ivy growing around in it a slightly raised area separated from the rest of the yard by bricks. Within the ivy are a few plants that we've never identified in our three-plus years here. Actually, we've never tried to -- there's not much to them -- just long, wide, flat leaves standing up straight. Not weeds, but certainly nothing to look at.

Until now.

A few days ago, Michael noticed that a couple of our mystery plants had developed buds. Dark, deep purple buds. We waited to see what would bloom.

Two gorgeous, showy bearded irises now grace our backyard. They were worth the wait.

They remind me that we are not yet what we will be.


Ruth said...

What a wonderful surprise!

ADish said...

I love irises. My grandfather had a HUGEMONGUS garden filled to the brim with irises. It always smelled so wonderful. To this day, I equate the smell of irises with being in his backyard in the spring.

And how fun for you to grow something unintentionally!